Sermon Title Sermon Text Date
« 2011 Audio Sermons »
The Lamb of God Revelation 5:1-14 January 2
The Angels and the Saints Burst Forth In Praise To God Revelation 5:8-10 January 9
The Contents of the Golden Bowls Revelation 5:8-10 January 16
And They Sang A New Song Revelation 5:8-10 January 23
The Cosmic Chorus Revelation 5:11-14 January 30
The Lamb Goes Out Conquering and to Conquer Revelation 6:1-2 February 6
The Four Horsemen Revelation 6:1-8 February 13
The Fourth Horsemen Revelation 6:1-8 February 20
Mercy Surrounds the One Who Trusts in the Lord Psalm 32:10 February 27
Rejoicing In Suffering Romans 5:1-5 March 6
Forgivness: Sin Covered; Not Hidden Psalm 32:1-5 March 13
Self Control and the Fruit of the Spirit Galatians 5:16-24 March 20
Justice May Be Delayed But is Never Avoided Revelation 6:9-11 March 27
If We Endure With Him We Shall Also Reign With Him Revelation 6:11-17 April 3
Choose For Yourselves Able Men Exodus 18:1-20 April 10
For the Better Ordering and Preserving of the Church Romans 14:16-19 April 17
The Sting of Death 1 Corinthians 15:50-56 Good Friday April 22
Victory Over the Grave 1 Corinthians 15:50-56 April 24
The Gates of Hell Are Thrown Open Revelation 9:1-12 May 1
The Foolishness of Measuring the Character of God by Human Experience Revelation 9:13-21 May 8
The Perils of the Last Days 2 Timothy 3:1-7 May 15
The Faithful Witness Revelation 10:1-10 May 22
Salvation and Judgment: Two Aspects of the Same Event Revelation 10:1-10 May 29
The Two Witnesses Revelation 11:1-14 June 5
The Two Witness Revelation 11:2-10 June12
The Two Witnesses Revelation 11:2-10 June 19
Fight the Good Fight of Faith 1 Timothy 6:11-12 June 26
Grace Is Enough 1 Peter 1:3-12 July 3
Secret Sin Psalm 19:12 July 10
Presumtuous Sin Psalm 19:13 July 17
Let Not My Sins Have Dominion Over Me Psalm 19:13 July 24
Let Not My Sins Have Dominion Over Me Psalm 19:13 July 31
The Word of God; Do We Really Need It? Deuteronomy 8:1-5 August 7
The Difference Between True and False Religion Matthew 13:47 August 14
The Holy War Revelation 12 August 21
The Dragon and the Stars Revelation 12:4 August 28
Satan Persecutes the Church Revelation 12:7-12 September 4
Satan's Power Manifested As a Beast Revelation 13:1-10 September 11
What Is the Mark of the Beast and Who Has it?!! Revelation 13:16-18 September 18
The Redeemed of the Lord Revelation 14:1-5 September 25
The Destruction of Babylon the Seductress Revelation 14:6-12 October 2
The Destruction of Babylon the Seductress II Revelation 14:6-13 October 9
God's Enemies Trampled in the Winepress Revelation 14:14-20 October 16
God's Severe Mercy Lamentations 3:22-24 October 23
The Last Plagues Revelation 15:1-8 October 30
The Song of Moses Revelation 15:3-4 November 6
The Temple of the Tabernacle is Opened Revelation 15:5-8 November 13
Love Must Be Sincere Romans 12:9 November 20
Armageddon Revelation 16 November 27
The Great Harlot Revelation 17 December 4
The Fall of Babylon the Great Revelation 18 December 11
The Marriage Supper of The Lamb Revelation 19 December 18
That the Thoughts of Many Hearts May Be Revealed Luke 2:35 December 24-25